- 16.10.2024
- Menstrual Health Blog
A detailed look in the mirror can actually reveal a lot about the processes happening in your body and whether your health is at risk.
We’re happy to see you again on our blog! Today we’ve gathered the main signs for our dear readers that can indicate potential health issues, which can be easily read by observing your face.
The first thing to get rid of, which is a major threat to your health, is nerves and stress. There’s a lot of material circulating online, written by people who barely understand medicine, and just reading it can make your hair turn gray instantly.
That’s why the goal of today’s article is to provide you with solid health facts, the truth of which can be confirmed by any professional doctor.
So, here’s what to pay attention to.
Many people tend to explain dark circles under their eyes as a result of lack of sleep or simple fatigue. In reality, it all depends on their color. For example, if the circles have a yellowish-waxy tint, this could indicate potential heart problems, and yellow-brown circles may signal kidney or liver issues. As you can see, there are many nuances. So, if you want to be absolutely sure about your health, it’s best to consult a doctor.
The natural color of lips without lipstick should be bright pink, and they should be slightly moist by default. Dry lips may indicate a vitamin A deficiency or digestive issues. If dryness is accompanied by cracks, it could signal more serious health problems, such as gastritis, anemia, or even diabetes.
Factors like smoking and diets can also lead to dry lips. If you don’t want to deviate from your weight loss plan, at least make sure your diet includes enough vitamins A, E, and B2 (load up on liver and egg yolks).
A bane for almost every woman, wrinkles are traditionally one of the main indicators that your health may be at risk. For example, a pronounced crease between your eyebrows or a grid of lines on your forehead may indicate liver problems.
If so-called “crow’s feet” are visible at the corners of your eyes, you might have stomach issues. And wrinkles on your cheeks may point to problems with your bladder or kidneys (if they are near the bridge of the nose), circulation issues (if they run diagonally), and again, stomach problems (around the lips or nose).
As you can see, the symptoms are quite varied. So, it’s better not to guess on your own but to visit a doctor and find out for sure if your health is at risk.
Skin Tone
A pale pink complexion with a slight blush on the cheeks suggests that your health is likely in good shape. Therefore, a change in color can be one of the most obvious signs that something is wrong.
- Red tone – possible blood pressure issues
- Paleness may indicate anemia
- Bluish or gray tone – heart disease
- Yellowish tone may suggest liver problems
It’s also worth noting the shape of your face. A sudden change in shape could be caused by an allergic reaction, while a gradual change may signal a hormonal imbalance.
Yes, surprisingly, eyebrow size can also tell a lot about your health. For example, thinning eyebrows may indicate a hormonal imbalance. If you notice that your eyebrows are growing excessively (especially if this is accompanied by an irregular cycle), ovarian dysfunction may be present.
Having learned how to assess your health through your facial features, it’s important to understand how Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) can help combat menopause and its symptoms.