Nutrition and Exercise for Losing Weight

HomeMenstrual Health BlogNutrition and Exercise for Losing Weight
Healthy foods and exercise gear representing nutrition and weight loss strategies
Explore the connection between nutrition and exercise for effective weight loss, and learn about food combinations to avoid

If you’ve noticed that the self-isolation period has added a few (or even more) extra kilograms, it might be time to reassess your diet and daily routine. A strict diet isn’t necessary, but rationalizing your calorie intake and expenditure certainly wouldn’t hurt.

Today, we offer useful tips that will help you choose a healthy diet, achieve the perfect balance of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates, and come out of quarantine looking leaner and younger.

Who’s to Blame and What to Do?

Pointing fingers now would be pointless. The coronavirus caught everyone off guard, and now we have to deal with what we have. Instead of searching for the root causes, use our tips to normalize your diet and get back on a healthy path, leaving those extra kilograms behind.

And while returning to full office work is still a vague prospect, it’s best to start taking action as soon as possible.

So, here’s what you should keep in mind:

  1. Routine. A well-planned routine should be the foundation of your transformation. Stick to a schedule for eating and sleeping. Aim for at least eight hours of sleep each night, going to bed and waking up at approximately the same times. The same goes for meals. Instead of having three heavy meals of around a thousand calories each for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, increase the number of meals and eat smaller portions more frequently. Start by splitting them into two – six snacks a day, but with half-sized portions. This way, your metabolism will kickstart and your food will be better absorbed, especially if you complement it with exercise.
  2. Wardrobe. For active time, you need suitable clothing. If you’re planning outdoor activities, first focus on getting a good pair of shoes that are comfortable for jumping, running, biking, and other activities. Don’t rush into buying workout clothes just yet. Good nutrition and exercise can burn calories faster than you think (though slower than you’d like). As a result, those sports pants or leggings you carefully chose online might soon be too small for you.
  3. No Rush. Don’t dive headfirst into athletics or attempt a marathon on the treadmill right away. If you’ve relaxed a bit during quarantine, you probably won’t have the strength for that kind of exertion. Start by moderating your diet—same food but in smaller portions. But remember, regardless of the amount of food, it should be balanced. Once you’ve sorted that out, start with simple exercises. Warm-ups, squats, hula hoop, light dumbbells—these are a great start on the path to better health. It wouldn’t hurt to buy some energy bars with grains—they’ll provide you with more than enough energy in the beginning.
  4. More Fun Together. Got a good rhythm and set a diet? Maybe it’s a great time to invite friends. Avoid crowded places, fitness clubs, pools, and stadiums for obvious reasons. But inviting one or two friends over for a joint workout session is a wonderful idea. The benefits are threefold! Firstly, working out together is just more fun! Secondly, you’ll showcase your organizational skills and promote a healthy lifestyle. Thirdly, friends will likely share their own tips for improving workouts and diet.
  5. Diversification. Try different activities! If you’re already into fitness or yoga, try other activities like cycling or dancing. A varied and active leisure time not only benefits you emotionally but also provides more ways to burn calories. And just like that, food that once turned into fat will now transform into energy and muscle!

After learning about the essential nutrition and exercise strategies for losing weight, it’s crucial to understand which foods should not be mixed for optimal health.

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