What Should a Gynecologist Never Do?

HomeMenstrual Health BlogWhat Should a Gynecologist Never Do?
Key practices to avoid in gynecological care
Learn about the critical actions gynecologists should avoid to ensure the best care for their patients

We believe no one would argue that every woman deserves a reliable and trusted doctor. A gynecologist, ideally, is someone you can fully trust with your feminine health. However, not all doctors today maintain a high level of professional ethics, just as not all prioritize patient comfort.

Today, we will look at what a good gynecologist should never do in a gynecological office.

Step-by-Step Guide

Let’s go through the main points that distinguish a professional from a dilettante. A good gynecologist:

  • Doesn’t judge or shame you
    The doctor’s task is to examine and diagnose. Your personal life is none of their business. So, if they start asking questions about your sexual partner or social status, you can confidently head for the door. A doctor treats; giving lectures is not part of their job. Questions directly related to diagnosis and treatment are fine, but don’t let the doctor cross the line into personal matters.
  • Doesn’t patronize you
    You and your gynecologist should be equals. The outdated concept of the doctor as an all-knowing wise man, graciously lowering themselves to the patient, is a sad relic of the past but, unfortunately, still seen today.
    A professional gynecologist outlines the situation clearly and then seeks your opinion. If they take liberties, speak too informally, or offer unwarranted criticism, it’s time to move on.
  • Leaves religion at the door
    Even if they are a devout Christian, remarks like “abortion is a sin” are an extreme form of unprofessionalism. Their primary task is to provide you with the best possible care, whatever procedures may be involved. This also includes a preference for non-traditional treatments. If they mention “folk methods,” homeopathy, astrology, or anything else unrelated to modern medicine, it’s time to say goodbye.

A Good Gynecologist Will Never:

  • Fail to explain every step of the treatment
    It is unacceptable for a gynecologist to take any tests, for example, without your consent. They must keep you informed, explaining their actions and why they are necessary.
  • Criticize your appearance
    Sure, a gynecologist may advise you to lose weight if excess weight negatively impacts your health. But discussing things like hair color, piercings, or tattoos is unacceptable.
  • Violate confidentiality
    This includes sharing information with anyone, whether verbally or in writing, including test results, medical records, etc.
  • Tell you what to do
    Yes, that infamous “it’s time to have kids” comment. And conversely, if you plan to have a child at an older age, a gynecologist may warn you of potential risks, but the key word is “warn”—they should never dictate or demand. Your body, your decision.


So, let’s summarize. A good gynecologist should always prioritize your comfort. Don’t hope to “just get by” if you’ve noticed any of the above signs in your doctor. Any of these points will inevitably affect the quality of care, sooner or later. Don’t tolerate it! Remember, there’s always an alternative. For every charlatan, there’s a caring gynecologist who genuinely cares about the well-being of their patients.

Having discussed what a gynecologist should never do, let’s explore five essential tips for women’s health and well-being.

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