
Choose food, or what ingredients are best kept apart?

HomeBlogChoose food, or what ingredients are best kept apart?

The cuisine, especially the traditional Slavic one, is quite eclectic in nature. But not everyone knows that some ingredients we use to cook are simply incompatible. This is due to the fact that the creators of the dishes were mostly concerned with the palatability of the food, and not the effects it had on the human body.

We’ve analyzed and systematized the latest research from the world’s leading nutritionists and today we’ll tell you which food ingredients are best kept separate and not combined in a single dish. 

What’s important to know?

We won’t go into detail about the biological aspects of digestion. Suffice to say that different body systems are responsible for the assimilation and processing of various ingredients. Therefore, by consuming eclectic food ingredients within a single meal or dish (or even different meals separated by a short period of time) you confuse the body. And it will certainly affect your health over time – if it hasn’t already.

Here are some of the most harmful combinations. If possible, try to separate these food ingredients into different meals:

Tomatoes and cucumbers

Yes, you read that right. Traditional food ingredients for making everyone’s favorite summer salad are actually far from the best pairing for your stomach. The reason for this is simple. If you analyze the chemical composition of both foods, it turns out that the tomato is acidic, while the cucumber is alkaline. Because of this, the stomach acid that breaks down the cucumbers will make the tomatoes ferment. Have you noticed that after a large portion of this seemingly light diet salad you might have stomach bloating? Now you know the reason.

Meat and potatoes

Another iconic dish no celebratory feast ever goes without. But the truth is, these food ingredients are best kept separate too. The reason for this lies in enzymes. Different types of enzymes are required for the digestion of both meat and potatoes. That’s why, despite the fact that a mixture of vegetables and meat is generally considered good for the stomach and the organism as a whole, this particular dish takes a long time to digest. As a result, you cannot satisfy your hunger immediately and keep eating. Before you know it, all the foods eaten catch up and you’re left with a heaviness in your stomach.

Coffee and liquor

Yes, this principle is relevant not only for food, but also for certain types of drinks. In addition to the most obvious disadvantages, such as putting a strain on your bladder, additionally there are more subtle mechanisms at work. Thing is coffee can temporarily block the effects of alcohol. As a result, instead of having a normal drink with a bottle of wine or beer, a solid cup of coffee that you drank beforehand will hold the alcohol back until it catches up with you some 2-3 hours later, when you already get ready for sleep. The effects of this will be most inconvenient, especially if you have to get up early for work the next day. So it’s better to choose either liquor or coffee.

Alcohol and confectionery

Here’s an example of a bad combination of food and drink. Alcohol, particularly wine, causes the body to produce insulin when consumed. That makes your organism absorb much more harmful sugars. So, as you probably understand, if you decide to eat a piece of cake on top of that, there certainly won’t be any good for you. This will undoubtedly add more inches to your waist than eating just the cake. That is why it’s better to separate these two.


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