
How to resist negativity and spare your nerves?

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On the eve of World Mental Health Day, we will tell you how to spare your nerves if you are being exposed to stress on a permanent basis.

The core of the problem

Recognizing a problem is the first step to solving it. However, identifying the problem is a much more serious process than it might seem. In modern times, the attitude towards mental illness is sometimes utterly frivolous. At best, people perceive their mental health as something rather simple and understandable, easily diagnosing themselves with “depression” with or without reason, while in fact nerves can suffer for a completely different reason (or they may not suffer at all, but this is reason for a separate conversation).

Nerves are “not visible”

At worst, it all comes down to a joke. We suppose everyone knows the feeling when, in response to serious complaints about your well-being, you just get “don’t get on my nerves. Drink some sedatives and everything will pass. “

Adding to the complexity is the fact that mental health, no matter the state it’s in, can rarely be discerned by external manifestations alone. Let’s not forget how many celebrities, from Robin Williams to Keith Flint, were extremely optimistic in public, and no one would ever think their nerves might be out of order. And it all ended very, very sadly.

What to do then?

How to take mental health seriously

There can be many reasons why your nerves can be in disarray. For many, self-esteem issues are the reason behind it. No one is perfect, and you shouldn’t focus on your imperfections, real or imaginary ones. Unfortunately, that’s not so easy. Low self-esteem is often precisely the stone that drags all other areas of life down, into the realm of negativity.

Mistakes at work? This cannot be a miscalculation on the part of someone else or a consequence of pressure from the higher-ups – it’s probably just me being bad at everything.

Got a couple extra pounds? Another reason to stigmatize yourself due to your alleged helplessness, instead of going in for sports or even just happily accepting a little extra weight.

So slowly, but steadily the nerves are subjected to deterioration and it is already difficult to perceive anything objectively, and not through the prism of one’s own insignificance. As a result, mental health is rapidly deteriorating. And it will only keep getting worse if you do not reach out for professional help.

How to heal nerves

We spoke with psychologists and here’s what they advise in case you feel that your mental health is in danger:

  • Thoughts are immaterial. Only you assign them a negative or positive connotation. Simply driving them away won’t – they will eventually come back carrying the same negative message. It would be much wiser  to analyze them in detail. Perhaps a good session of sorting out your thoughts can make you understand that there is nothing to be afraid of.
  • Reflect on when and under what circumstances your nerves began to fall apart, when did the negativity begin to haunt you. Finding the source of the problem often helps to better understand the origins of negativity and, quite possibly, be able to leave it all behind.
  • Ignoring help is one of the most important symptoms that your nerves are out of order. “What if they prescribe me pills I won’t be able to get off of – then what?”. Well, yes, of course, remaining a voluntary victim of your fears and putting your mental health at even greater risk is so much better than turning to a therapist. You don’t really think this is a solution?
  • Not all methods of treatment involve taking pills. Sometimes even a session of psychoanalysis or hypnosis can be much more helpful.


The sooner you get on the path of self-awareness and seek help, the better. Self-diagnosis is not an inherently bad thing, but only at first – at some point you will need to see a doctor who will help you get your nerves in order.

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